Beakus provides an efficient and easy-to-use computer based tool for solution to exterior acoustic problems. Beakus includes the direct boundary element and finite element methods. It is able to predict sound pressure radiated from a vibrating structure. The advanced yet user-friendly interface and many tools enable very fast numerical computation for accurate noise prediction. Typical applications include computing sound levels in the passenger compartments of automobiles and aircraft, eigenvalue problems and radiation problems. The effect of sound absorbing surfaces, open windows, partial enclosures
and other bodies can be included in the simulation.
Post-processing Features 
- Dynamic subcase/frequency switch during animation and visualization
- Multi-mode (wireframe, boundary, shading operation during animation and visualization
- XY graphs, bar charts, polar diagrams
- Comparison of any number of results and measured data
Direct Boundary Element Method 
- Dual Recipvcity Method
- Adaptive Element
- Restart Possibilities
Model checking 
- Element normal vectors
- Coincident elements
- Restart Possibilities
- Free edges
- Element quality,Warping
- Length ratio
- Interior angle
Acoustic properties 
- Fluid density
- Wave number and sound speed
- Frequency
- Absorption coefficient
Boundary conditions 
- Sound pressure
- Structural velocity
- Admittance
- Impedance
- Postscript
- GIF, RGB Files
- AVI, Movie Film
- Excel output
- MSC/NASTRAN (op2, xdb and other formats)
- PATRAN Neutral File
- COMET/Acoustic
- SYSNOISE (Punch File)
- SDRC UNIVERSAL-File (v 5.0 -6.x - Master Series 1.0-7.0)
- PERMAS – all formats
- Other special interfaces (Experimental data, Excel formats, user specifically data)
User Interface 
- Intuitive and graphical
- Developed (own) language (UIL), enabling fast windows
- Menu generation (based on OSF/Motif standard)
- Point and click selection of variables
Hardware Supports 
UNIX-based computer workstations:
- HP
- Linux
- (Windows NT version is in preparation)